Talk with Ugandan activist Jay Mulucha about Anti-Homosexuality Act

Talk with Ugandan activist Jay Mulucha about Anti-Homosexuality Act

30. Juli 2024 Aus Von HP-Account
2. August 2024 um 19:00 – 21:00
Talk with Ugandan activist Jay Mulucha about Anti-Homosexuality Act

In May 2023 the Anti-Homosexuality Law was passed in Uganda. This legislation criminalizes same-sex conduct with sentences raging from imprisonment to the death penalty.
We meet to discuss the implications of this law with our special guest, Jay Mulucha.

Jay is a human rights activist from Uganda, who will join us virtually and share firsthand accounts. Jay is also involved with a shelter in Uganda that accommodates homeless LGBTIQ individuals. To support them, we will be accepting cash donations during the event.